Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Decline Of The North And The Rise Of The West

I know that the title has an Spenglerian quality about it but let me explain: For the past 10 years I have been working at Nixon University and most reently there have been several changes in my life. The most immediate one being that I decided to go to graduate school for an MBA in MIS. Tonight, I am going into CC area, thats in Philadelphia, and attend a Information Session on the program. So, today in at work, I had on the suit and tie and attache deal. Doing the whole Gordon Gecko thing and getting some interesting looks from some coworkers as well as from other Non-Pod people. (LOL). I needed the new suit anyway, I think I may have a funeral to attend to soon. It's no one that I want dead thou. Hehehe.

The title is in reference to the decline of the north, the location in Philly where I work and the rise of the west, as in capitalism.

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